"For me, prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy."
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
Prayer is central to the life of a Christian. In prayer, we give God thanks for our many blessings, but we also ask God to help us endure and overcome the challenges that beset us. We pray for ourselves and we pray for others, we pray for the living and we pray for the dead. Jesus told us of the necessity to “pray always without becoming weary.” (Luke 18:1). Continuing this long-standing Catholic practice, Saint Therese welcomes “Mass Intentions” from parishioners (and others). You can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago, you can even remember all your deceased family, friends and benefactors at one time. But the intentions do not have to be just for the dead: they make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthday, anniversary, in thanksgiving for a prayer answered, etc. And to offer an intention for someone who is struggling with a serious illness or other life trauma shows you want the Lord to support them in their need. These prayer intentions will go directly to Father Ernesto's email so that he may pray for you during this time.

The Catholic faith is rich in its use of devotionals, meditations, and prayers. On this webpage, we have included many of these and are available as PDF's for easy printing and sharing. While strive to ensure the accuracy and fidelity of these resources, if you notice a grammatical or doctrinal error, please let us know by contacting communications@stthereseok.org.